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I was in Italy when I got the call. She was a nice woman and a Captain in the U.S. Army. She felt remorseful, and stressed. She was rather concerned and wanted to get rid of her DUI charges. I helped her by preparing her letter to request a license suspension hearing and save her driver’s license. I did it on the train from Venice to Cinque Terre.

The Pooler Police Officer wrote in his police report that she failed to maintain her lane and then she parked her 2015 white Mercedes Benz on the side walk. She smelled of alcohol and the cop asked her to do some Field Sobriety Tests. Naturally she failed those and was arrested. The Pooler Police arrested her for DUI/Alcohol – 40-6-391(a)(5); DUI less safe – 40-6-391(a)(1); Failure to maintain lane – 40-6-48; and Open container – 40-6-253. She was crying, and hyperventilating (like woman do when they are arrested for DUI) and then she took a breath test. She blew a .170 on the Intoxilyzer 9000.

Eventually, she plead both of her DUI charges down to Failure to use due care. The charge for open container was changed to driving too fast for conditions. The Pooler Police officer is the real reason for her success. He is an admirable man and he was willing to work with me on this case for this woman.

Judgment: High DUI Breath Test Reduced to Failure to exercise due care

High DUI Breath Test Reduced for Failure to use due care



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Jason Cerbone DUI Lawyer & Managing member

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